The Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines in partnership with The Asia Foundation - Coalitions for Change Education and the Australian Agency for International Development have convened their partners in development for education in a technical working group convergence meeting. Held in the Asian Institute of Management Conference Center on May 6, 2013, the session was spent in discussing the aims and the strategic direction that the entire group would be pursuing upon engaging the local chief executives on the ground.
With the joint primary objective of institutionalizing education reforms in local government units, representatives from various education organizations such as the Ayala Foundation, Pamulaan Center for Indigenous Peoples' Education, the Ateneo Center for Educational Development, Robredo Institute of Governance and Ateneo School of Government have shared their valuable insights to further develop the existing education governance framework and to determine the next steps to be taken in the next five months. Other than this, the online mapping visualization of the data composing of the education indicators, best practices in governance and development program locations were shown and discussed to the group that had espoused a meaningful conversation.