11 August 2023 - Governor Dax Cua, National President of the Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines (ULAP), delivered an inspiring speech at the Lady Local Legislators' League of the Philippines (4L) National Summit, held from August 10-12, 2023. The event focused on the ratification of the Constitution and By-Laws, as well as the election of the National Executive Board, under the theme "Four-L Philippines Revitalized and United for Brighter Tomorrow." Gov. Cua highlighted the dedication and commitment of lady legislators in advocating for positive change.

In photo (L-R): 4L Interim National Secretary General, Vice Mayor Myra Fostanes-Colis of Mabini Bohol, 4L Interim National President, Vice Governor Christine Garin of Province of Iloilo, ULAP President, Governor Dax Cua, 4L Interim National Vice President, Vice Governor Mei Ling Quezon of Province of Siquijor, and 4L Interim National Treasurer, SB Member Jetaime Okinlay-Gumban of Impasugpong, Bukidnon.