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Uniting for Local Autonomy, Converging National and Local Growth

The Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines (ULAP) is the umbrella organization of all leagues of local government units (LGUs) and locally elected government officials, and was formed in 1998, registered in 1999, and further endorsed through Executive Order 35, series of 2004.

Prior to its creation, ULAP was called the "League of Leagues", which played an important convening role for the local governments to lobby and develop the Local Government Code of 1991. ULAP was created to convene and represent its member leagues and local governments to national and sub-national policy and program committees in continuous pursuit of strengthening and capacitating LGUs for local autonomy and good governance.

ForwardWebinar1 DOF

ULAP, in collaboration with the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), is conducting a series of online dialogues between local government units (LGUs) and the country’s economic managers on how we can rebuild the local economy in the short and long-term and what interventions from the national level have been made in terms of related stimulus measures.

Entitled as the ULAP #FORWARD Strategy Dialogue Series on “REKINDLING LOCAL ECONOMIC GROWTH”, this is yet another initiative of ULAP to support LGUs in their efforts to bring the local economy back to its feet while sustaining the fight against COVID-19.

The first part of the series will be the DIALOGUE WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE (DOF) ON “PUTTING FISCAL ORDER IN PLACE FOR LOCAL ECONOMIC RECOVERY”. Among the topics are the “Bayanihan to Recover as One Act” (Bayanihan II) salient features relative to the interest subsidy for LGUs, loan facilities for recovery plans and dormant local funds utilization, among others.

FB Live: https://web.facebook.com/watch/?v=1657580027749855
Presentations: https://bit.ly/ULAPForwardWebinar1_Presentations

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